
At DPV-UK Ltd we presently have four test rigs in constant use, testing valves from ¼” to 24” nominal bore. For anything above this size we hold a comprehensive stock of test blinds up to 42”.

We can test valves hydraulically to 20,000psi using inhibited water with known chlorine levels or pure water for testing Stainless or Alloys. In addition we have the ability to Gas test valves to 15,000psi using our in-house intensifier.

We have a full range of API 6A Test blinds in Pressure ranges of 2000, 3000, 5000 and 10000psi aswell as specialised butterfly test blinds for sizes 2” to 24” in classes 150# & 300#

Our newest test rig allows us to fully test butt weld end valves up to 16” nominal bore in pressure ranges 150# to 1500#.

We can also pressure and functional test all actuated valves as well as perform fugitive emission tests using our calibrated Sniffer probe. We also have the ability to perform Cryogenic tests down to – 100 Deg C.

All tests can be witnessed by clients or their nominated inspectors